The VO Château Political Voiceover by Celia Siegel Management.


Are you searching for that true American sound? Something that bleeds red, white, and blue? Then you’ve come to the right place. Our Republican voice actors are ready to be the sound of your next Conservative campaign.

No matter the issue – taxes, inflation, national security, job creation, 2nd amendment rights, and beyond – our artists are ready to powerfully communicate your message to your audience!

Now is the time to take a stance, so whether you’re crafting an attack ad or pivoting to a positive candidate spotlight, we’ve got the voiceover to match. From Ron DeSantis for Governor to Monica de la Cruz for Congress and many more, let your campaign be the next success with the help of the Political Chateâu.

Scroll below to browse our curated roster of Republican voice actors and listen to their stump speeches. Book your election-winning voice today!

Aaron Bradley

Amy Selma

​Andy Barnett

​Andy James

Bev Standing
Bill Gaines

Bill Marsh

Brad Hyland

Caryn Clark

Charles Coats

Christian Taylor

Dave Courvoisier

Diana Birdsall

Eli Harris

Elvis Di Marcantonio

Emilie de Azevedo Brown

Greg Thomas

Heather Foster

Ian McMullin
J Michael Collins

Jack Daniel

Jeff Bachar

Jeff Williams
Jessica Holtan

Jessica Taylor

John Guidry
Kasey Hott

Kay Bess

Keaver Brenai

Kelly Brennan

Ken Scott

Kristen Simoes

Laura Doman

Lakes Webb

Leslie Wadsworth
Mark Benninghofen

Matt Wiewel

Mindy Baer

Patrick Kirchner

Ramy Khudir

Scott Palmer

Sofia Zita

Susannah Mars

Todd Leitz
Tom Aglio

Tracy Lindley

Valentina Latyna

Weston Heflin

The VO Château by Celia Siegel Management | Copyright © 2023 All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy